Monday, November 17, 2014

Alopecia: Continuing With Life

I have accepted the wearing of wigs and actually enjoy it now! It is so nice to look in the mirror and not see scalp. I did not realize how depressed that was making me feel.

The wig that I have is a bit scratchy but with a scalp cover, or wig cap, the wig is more comfortable. I have also learned how to utilize hair pieces, such as pony tails, to make my wig look different. I bore easily so it is nice to be able to change my hair look every other day or so.

Yes, I could buy more wigs, and I will some day, when I have the money, but for now, this is what a poor woman does with no hair.

Shake it up! Do not feel you are stuck with a style because you bought the wig. The clip on ponytails change the way the hair looks and does not feel weird. If you have a short hair wig, like I do, it helps to disguise the short hair by wearing a pretty scarf or headband to mask the layers of the short hair. No one can tell! I get many compliments on my "hair". It is great!

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